Monday, August 5, 2013



Often times you will hear people say whether it’s a friend, a child, or just a random person state: “I want to experience Life or I have experienced Life!”  To some that may mean living free from the rules of parents, for others it may simply be to live carefree. Yet still for others “Life” may be the experiences that left them in a state of shame and disgust thinking if only I could erase…blot out that part of my life. Unfortunately we cannot rid ourselves of our past mistakes, but we can be forgiven, healed, and made whole from our tarnished life experiences. We serve a God who is a God of another chance.

Growing up with my elderly aunt and uncle, and experiencing some things in life I never thought would happen to me, I can identify with both statements. The desire to venture out on my own, but doing so without wisdom (as my mom puts it…book sense but no common sense) thus causing me to travel down a road I wouldn’t desire for any woman, friend or foe to travel.  I decided to blog not because I really want or desire to, but because God told me to. I had a thought to blog about 4 years ago, but I thought I didn’t know much about it. A few weeks ago, God lined me up with a few women who all happen to be bloggers. I received some in site from one of them, and then God confirmed it on July 28.

 This blog will share my life experiences as a former single parent, former victim of domestic abuse, abortion loss, Christian wife and mother, and growing up raising a blended family. Living and growing up with knowledge of God, but no relationship with His son Jesus. Living and feeling like no one cared. Yet while shameful things were done to and by me it didn’t change the fact that God loved me flaws and all, and that I am a Kingdom Woman in the ruff. My willingness to pen my life’s journey was birthed through my experience reading Kingdom Woman by Dr. Tony Evans and Chrystal Evans Hurst. At the culmination of the Desperate for Jesus Conference (DFJ2013), God spoke loudly and clearly that it was time; time to release the demons, the hurt, shame and embarrassment that I have lived with for over 20 years not just for me, but for countless women who are still living in shame for past mistakes. If I never attend another women’s conference I want to personally thank Chrystal Evans Hurst for allowing God to use her to shake the door handles of my closet and say to my skeletons …It’s time to come out so others can be healed…be free.


  1. Wow! We are kindred spirits. It's amazing how God works. I look forward to following your journey. Blessings Always!

    1. I was thinking the same thing when reading your blog! Yes, God is so amazing! Thanks for the support and Blessings to you as well!
