Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Our Desires

Working on getting some things finalized before my daughter leaves for college (13 days...yikes), I realized that while now my desire is to please God, it hasn't always been that way. In fact as I wandered aimlessly in life through every trial, bad decision, and everything I thought at the time was the end of the world I remember thinking God didn't care about me at all because if He did, my life would be just as I wanted...desired it to be. It would be perfect. I would never experience sadness. Every day would be filled with happiness and without struggle. How juvenile and infantile I now realize my thinking was.

If we are truthful for a few seconds, most of us have journeyed through this life with a knowledge that there is a God, but failing to connect...acknowledge...desire...His son. JESUS. It is not until we endure countless trials, fail a number of tests, or experience major life tragedies that we begin to understand that our knowledge of God means nothing without the acknowledgment of His Son.

God wants to connect to our desires, our hopes, and our dreams. He loves us even when we didn't (for some...don't) love Him. When He wasn't a thought aside from saying Grace at the dinner table, He Loved US. While we were out doing our thing, sewing our roots, He Loved US. Today let us be thankful for that love. Let Us demonstrate our love for God by entering into...building a relationship with His Son. JESUS.

What are you desiring today?
Does it line up with the Father?

Share your thoughts... 

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